2023 day 1

This commit is contained in:
eriedaberrie 2023-12-01 22:41:12 -08:00
commit d598c40185
4 changed files with 119 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

2023/1/Main.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (tails, findIndex, isPrefixOf, minimumBy)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
type LineOp = String -> Int
wordMap :: [(String, Int)]
wordMap = [ ("one", 1)
, ("two", 2)
, ("three", 3)
, ("four", 4)
, ("five", 5)
, ("six", 6)
, ("seven", 7)
, ("eight", 8)
, ("nine", 9)
fullWordMap :: [(String, Int)]
fullWordMap = wordMap ++ (zip =<< map show) [1..9]
opLineBasic :: LineOp
opLineBasic l = (combineDigits `on` ($ digitToInt <$> filter isDigit l)) head last
firstNumInLine :: String -> [(String, Int)] -> Int
firstNumInLine l = fst . minimumBy (compare `on` snd) . mapMaybe numIndex
numIndex (str, num) = (num,) <$> findIndex (isPrefixOf str) (tails l)
opLineAdvanced :: LineOp
opLineAdvanced l = (combineDigits `on` uncurry firstNumInLine)
(l, fullWordMap)
(reverse l, first reverse <$> fullWordMap)
combineDigits :: Int -> Int -> Int
combineDigits = (+) . (10 *)
opLines :: [String] -> Int
opLines = sum . map opLineAdvanced
main :: IO ()
main = do
content <- readFile "data.txt"
print . opLines . lines $ content

2023/1/main-1.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(defpackage #:aoc-2023/1.1
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:main))
(in-package #:aoc-2023/1.1)
(defun digits-to-integer (a b)
(values (parse-integer (format NIL "~A~A" a b))))
(defun line-value (line)
(digits-to-integer (find-if #'digit-char-p line)
(find-if #'digit-char-p line :from-end T)))
(defun main ()
(format T
(loop :for line := (read-line T NIL)
:while line
:unless (string= line "")
:sum (line-value line))))
(eval-when (:execute)

2023/1/main-2.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
(defpackage #:aoc-2023/1.2
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:main))
(in-package #:aoc-2023/1.2)
(defparameter *numbers* '(("one" . 1)
("two" . 2)
("three" . 3)
("four" . 4)
("five" . 5)
("six" . 6)
("seven" . 7)
("eight" . 8)
("nine" . 9)))
(defun digits-to-integer (a b)
(values (parse-integer (format NIL "~A~A" a b))))
(defun line-value (line)
(let* ((first-i (position-if #'digit-char-p line))
(last-i (position-if #'digit-char-p line :from-end T))
(first-val (when first-i (aref line first-i)))
(last-val (when last-i (aref line last-i))))
(loop :for (str . num) :in *numbers*
:for first := (search str line)
:for last := (search str line :from-end T)
:when first
:do (when (or (null first-i)
(< first first-i))
(setf first-i first)
(setf first-val num))
(when (or (null last-i)
(> last last-i))
(setf last-i last)
(setf last-val num)))
(digits-to-integer first-val last-val)))
(defun main ()
(format T
(loop :for line := (read-line T NIL)
:while line
:unless (string= line "")
:sum (line-value line))))
(eval-when (:execute)