2023 day 15

This commit is contained in:
eriedaberrie 2023-12-18 13:18:18 -08:00
parent f464bbfb26
commit e8476369b7
2 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions

2023/15/Main1.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
getHash :: String -> Int
getHash = foldl' (\acc x -> (acc + ord x) * 17 .&. 255) 0
main :: IO ()
main = print . sum . map getHash . splitOn "," . concat . lines
=<< readFile "data.txt"

2023/15/Main2.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (deleteBy, findIndex, foldl')
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Data.Vector (Vector, MVector)
type Command = (String, Maybe Int)
getHash :: String -> Int
getHash = foldl' (\acc x -> (acc + ord x) * 17 .&. 255) 0
parseCommand :: String -> Command
parseCommand s
| last s == '-' = (init s, Nothing)
| otherwise = (a, Just . read $ b)
(a:b:_) = splitOn "=" s
sumFocusPower :: Vector (Vector (String, Int)) -> Int
sumFocusPower = timesIndexAndSum . V.map (timesIndexAndSum . V.map snd)
timesIndexAndSum = V.foldl' (+) 0 . V.imap ((*) . succ)
:: MVector MV.RealWorld (Vector (String, Int)) -> Command -> IO ()
performCommand boxes (label, mFoc) = maybe performDash performEquals mFoc
boxN = getHash label
readBox = MV.read boxes boxN
writeBox = MV.write boxes boxN
findPred = (== label) . fst
performDash = writeBox . V.filter (not . findPred) =<< readBox
performEquals foc = do
box <- readBox
let newLens = (label, foc)
addNewLens = V.snoc box newLens
swapLens i = V.modify (\v -> MV.write v i newLens) box
writeBox . maybe addNewLens swapLens . V.findIndex findPred $ box
main :: IO ()
main = do
commandStrs <- splitOn "," . concat . lines <$> readFile "data.txt"
boxes <- MV.replicate 256 V.empty
mapM_ (performCommand boxes . parseCommand) commandStrs
print . sumFocusPower =<< V.unsafeFreeze boxes