eriedaberrie 1a714ac77a feat!: sync-music: properly utilize cuesheets
Instead of blindly copying over .cue files, attempt to parse them with
cuetools and use the data to split up the associated flac files.  Old behavior
is available under --dumb-cue-copy.
2024-11-07 15:19:59 -08:00

223 lines
12 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package #:sync-music)
(defun make-file-copy-action (origin target &optional (test #'string-equal))
"Create subclass of COPY-ACTION based on the filetype of ORIGIN and TEST for equality.
Return the action if it exists, or NIL if the file should not be copied."
(when-let* ((type (pathname-type origin))
((funcall test type "flac")
(setf type "opus")
((and *dumb-cue-copy-p*
(member type *meta-extensions* :test test))
((member type *general-extensions* :test test)
(funcall make-action-fn
:origin origin
:target (pathname-normalize-unicode
(make-pathname :name (pathname-name origin)
:type type
:defaults target)))))
(defun get-cue-copy-actions (origin origin-files target &optional (test #'string-equal))
(when-let* ((cue-file (uiop:native-namestring
(find-if (lambda (f)
(funcall test (pathname-type f) "cue"))
(cue-track-count (parse-integer
(uiop:run-program (list "cueprint"
"-d" "%N"
:output :string)
:junk-allowed t)))
(when (> cue-track-count (count-if (lambda (f)
(funcall test (pathname-type f) "flac"))
(loop :repeat cue-track-count
:with actions := (fset:empty-set)
:with album-data-raw := (uiop:run-program
(list "cueprint"
"-d" "%T\\n%02N\\n%P"
:output :lines)
:with track-data-raw := (uiop:run-program
(list "cueprint"
"-t" "%f\\n%t\\n%02n\\n%p\\n%c\\n%g\\n"
:output :lines)
:with break-start-data-raw := (uiop:run-program
(list "cuebreakpoints"
:output :lines)
:with break-end-data-raw := (uiop:run-program
(list "cuebreakpoints"
:output :lines)
;; HACK: Determine if track 1 has pregap based on breakpoint count
:with track-1-pregap-p := (< (length break-start-data-raw)
(length break-end-data-raw))
:for origin-file-name := (let* ((raw-file (pop track-data-raw))
(dot (position #\. raw-file :from-end t)))
(subseq raw-file 0 dot))
:for origin-file := (make-pathname :name origin-file-name
:type "flac"
:defaults origin)
:for track-title := (first track-data-raw)
:for track-number := (second track-data-raw)
:for data-raw := (append album-data-raw
(loop :repeat 5
:collect (pop track-data-raw)))
:for metadata := (mapcar #'cons
:for metadata-filtered := (delete-if (compose #'emptyp #'cdr) metadata)
:for previous-action := nil :then current-action
:for output-file-name := (substitute #\! #\/ (format nil
"~A - ~A"
:for current-action := (make-copy-flac-action
:origin origin-file
:target (pathname-normalize-unicode
(make-pathname :name output-file-name
:type "opus"
:defaults target))
:metadata metadata-filtered)
:do (fset:adjoinf actions current-action)
:with previous-file
:do (cond
((equal previous-file origin-file-name)
(setf (copy-flac-action-start current-action) (pop break-start-data-raw))
(setf (copy-flac-action-end previous-action) (pop break-end-data-raw)))
(unless (uiop:file-exists-p origin-file)
(when track-1-pregap-p
(setf (copy-flac-action-start current-action) (pop break-end-data-raw)))
(setf previous-file origin-file-name)))
:finally (return actions)))))
(defun get-all-copy-actions (origin target &optional (depth 0))
"Recursively iterate ORIGIN for files to copy.
Return a set of all copy actions as first value, and set of all directory
actions that need performing in order to store the targets as second value."
(check-depth (incf depth))
(let ((files (fset:empty-set))
(directories (fset:empty-set)))
(unless (and *ignore-toplevel-p* (= depth 1))
(let ((origin-files (uiop:directory-files origin)))
(if-let ((cue-copy-actions (and (not *dumb-cue-copy-p*)
(get-cue-copy-actions origin origin-files target))))
(fset:unionf files cue-copy-actions)
(dolist (file (uiop:directory-files origin))
(when-let ((action (make-file-copy-action file target)))
(fset:adjoinf files action))))))
(dolist (directory (uiop:subdirectories origin))
(let ((target-directory
(make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory target)
(list (p-utils:directory-name directory))))))
(multiple-value-bind (subdir-files subdir-directories)
(get-all-copy-actions directory target-directory depth)
(fset:unionf files subdir-files)
(fset:unionf directories subdir-directories))))
(when (and (fset:empty? directories) (fset:nonempty? files))
(fset:adjoinf directories
(make-directory-action :target (pathname-normalize-unicode target))))
(values files directories)))
(defun get-all-delete-actions (target &optional (depth 0))
"Recursively iterate TARGET for files to delete.
Return a set of all preexisting files as first value, and set of all
directories to not create as the second value."
(check-depth (incf depth))
(let ((files (fset:empty-set))
(directories (fset:set (make-directory-action :target target))))
(unless (and *ignore-toplevel-p* (= depth 1))
(dolist (file (uiop:directory-files target))
(fset:adjoinf files (make-delete-action :target file))))
(dolist (directory (uiop:subdirectories target))
(multiple-value-bind (subdir-files subdir-directories)
(get-all-delete-actions directory depth)
(fset:unionf files subdir-files)
(fset:unionf directories subdir-directories)))
(values files directories)))
(defun get-all-actions (origin target)
"Consolidate all copy and delete actions from ORIGIN to TARGET.
Return a set of all copy actions as first value, all delete actions as second
value, and all directories that should be created as the third value."
(let ((*max-depth* *max-depth*))
(mvlet ((all-copy all-directory (get-all-copy-actions origin target))
(all-delete all-directory-existing (get-all-delete-actions target)))
(fset:set-difference all-copy all-delete)
(if *cleanupp* (fset:set-difference all-delete all-copy) (fset:empty-set))
(fset:set-difference all-directory all-directory-existing)))))
(defun perform-actions (actions &optional progress-handler)
"Perform all ACTIONS in a parallelized manner.
Main thread calls PROGRESS-HANDLER (if given) with the progress queue and the
total task count as arguments."
(let ((task-count (fset:size actions))
(channel (lparallel:make-channel))
(queue (when progress-handler (lparallel.queue:make-queue))))
(fset:do-set (action actions)
(lparallel:submit-task channel #'action-perform action queue))
(when progress-handler
(funcall progress-handler queue task-count))
(loop :repeat task-count
:do (lparallel:receive-result channel))))
(defun clean-directory (target)
"Delete all empty folders and folders containing only empty folders in TARGET."
;; NOTE: Want (every #'clean-directory ...) but without short-circuiting
(and (every #'identity
(mapcar #'clean-directory (uiop:subdirectories target)))
(null (uiop:directory-files target))
(uiop:delete-empty-directory target)))
(defun sync-music (origin target &key confirmp progress-handler)
"Get and perform all actions from ORIGIN to TARGET.
Calls CONFIRMP with all the actions and only continues if it returns non-NIL.
(let ((target-directory (uiop:resolve-location
(uiop:ensure-directory-pathname target)))))
(origin-directory (uiop:directory-exists-p origin)))
(unless origin-directory
(error "Music directory `~A` does not exist!" origin))
(when (or (p-utils:subpath-p target-directory origin-directory)
(p-utils:subpath-p origin-directory target-directory))
(error "Cannot sync if target or origin are a direct subpath of the other."))
(multiple-value-bind (copy-actions delete-actions directory-actions)
(get-all-actions origin-directory target-directory)
(and confirmp
(not (funcall confirmp copy-actions delete-actions directory-actions))
(return-from sync-music))
(fset:do-set (action directory-actions)
(action-perform action))
(lparallel.kernel-util:with-temp-kernel ((or *worker-threads*
(max (- (count-cpus) 2) 1)))
(perform-actions (fset:unionf copy-actions delete-actions)
(when *cleanupp*
(clean-directory target-directory)))))