eriedaberrie 1a714ac77a feat!: sync-music: properly utilize cuesheets
Instead of blindly copying over .cue files, attempt to parse them with
cuetools and use the data to split up the associated flac files.  Old behavior
is available under --dumb-cue-copy.
2024-11-07 15:19:59 -08:00

96 lines
4 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package #:sync-music)
(defstruct action
(target nil :type pathname))
(defstruct (copy-action (:include action))
(origin nil :type pathname))
(defstruct (copy-flac-action (:include copy-action))
(start nil :type (or string null))
(end nil :type (or string null))
(metadata nil :type (soft-alist-of string string)))
(defstruct (copy-meta-action (:include copy-action)))
(defstruct (delete-action (:include action)))
(defstruct (directory-action (:include action)))
(defgeneric action-describe (action &optional s)
(:documentation "Format to stream S a single line describing ACTION in brief."))
(defgeneric action-perform (action &optional queue)
(:documentation "Perform ACTION.
Pushes status message about this action to QUEUE if given."))
(defgeneric action-perform-describe (action)
(:documentation "Status message, as printed during ACTION-PERFORM."))
(defmethod action-describe ((a copy-action) &optional s)
(format s "[C] `~A` -> `~A`~%" (copy-action-origin a) (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-describe ((a delete-action) &optional s)
(format s "[D] `~A`~%" (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-describe ((a directory-action) &optional s)
(format s "[M] `~A`~%" (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform ((a copy-action) &optional queue)
(declare (ignore queue))
(uiop:copy-file (copy-action-origin a) (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform ((a copy-flac-action) &optional queue)
(declare (ignore queue))
`("ffmpeg" "-n"
"-filter_threads" "1"
"-i" ,(uiop:native-namestring (copy-action-origin a))
,@(when-let ((start (copy-flac-action-start a)))
`("-ss" ,(convert-timestamp start)))
,@(when-let ((end (copy-flac-action-end a)))
`("-to" ,(convert-timestamp end)))
,@(loop :for (tag . value) :in (copy-flac-action-metadata a)
:collect "-metadata"
:collect (format nil "~A=~A" tag value))
"-c:a" "libopus"
"-map" "0:a"
"-ac" "2"
"-b:a" ,*opus-bitrate*
,(uiop:native-namestring (action-target a)))))
(defmethod action-perform ((a copy-meta-action) &optional queue)
(declare (ignore queue))
(let (buf)
(with-open-file (input
(copy-action-origin a)
:element-type 'octet)
(setf buf (make-array (file-length input) :element-type 'octet))
(read-sequence buf input))
(setf buf (replace-text-buffer buf ".flac" ".opus"))
(setf buf (replace-text-buffer buf ".wav" ".opus"))
(with-open-file (output
(action-target a)
:element-type 'octet
:direction :output)
(write-sequence buf output))))
(defmethod action-perform ((a delete-action) &optional queue)
(declare (ignore queue))
(delete-file (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform ((a directory-action) &optional queue)
(declare (ignore queue))
(ensure-directories-exist (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform :before ((a action) &optional queue)
(when queue
(lparallel.queue:push-queue (action-perform-describe a) queue)))
(defmethod action-perform-describe ((a copy-action))
(format nil "Copying `~A` to `~A`..." (copy-action-origin a) (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform-describe ((a copy-meta-action))
(format nil "Modifying `~A` to `~A`..." (copy-action-origin a) (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform-describe ((a copy-flac-action))
(format nil "Converting `~A` to `~A`..." (copy-action-origin a) (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform-describe ((a delete-action))
(format nil "Deleting `~A`..." (action-target a)))
(defmethod action-perform-describe ((a directory-action))
(format nil "Ensuring `~A` exists..." (action-target a)))
;; NOTE: Delete actions are equal to copy actions to the same target
(defmethod fset:compare ((a1 action) (a2 action))
(fset:compare-slots a1 a2 #'action-target))